Small grants now available

The Internet Society Foundation have implemented a small grant system on a rolling basis.

Any member of a chapter in good standing can apply for one of these grants, as long as a chapter only has 2 small grants at one time.

You can more about it here.

Chapterthon 2020

During the 2020 Internet Society Chapterthon, we explored ways of seeding many more communities like the one we supported during the 2019 Chapterthon, by starting with an “Internet in a Box”.

When surveying similar instructions, it struck us how technical most of it was. We started with the idea of bringing what is seemingly impossible to many people, just one step closer to within their reach.

See our guide here:

Please share these instructions with anyone whom you think could benefit and contribute. These boxes are easy to assemble and cheap to distribute and where these boxes are adopted are ideal places to follow up by building out connectivity.

Internet South Africa – AGM 2020

Please join us on Thursday 27 February for our Annual General Meeting.

We’ll discuss the past year, the year ahead and choose a new board.

Everyone is welcome and drink and snacks will be provided.

We look forward to spending the evening with you.


Where: Sotano on Bree, Cape Town

Date: 27 February 2020

Time: 17:30 for 18:00

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Internet Society South Africa Chapter